"If it weren't for the penis, human life would have ended with Adam and Eve.
It seems strange that something so important is so funny-looking.
I'm an author and journalist. Sometimes I write about funny things.
Some of those funny things are penises."
--Michael N. Marcus

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

John Wayne Bobbit says his reconnected penis works better than before

“The doctors told me I would never be able to have sex again because my injuries were so bad. But I’ve proved them wrong time and time again. I believe I’ve slept with 70 women since the incident. Being the most famous man to have his penis chopped off does have its advantages. It definitely has not hurt my love life — in fact it improved it. I guess some women got a kick out of saying they slept with John Wayne Bobbitt.

[Howard Stern] offered to pay for a penis enlargement and I jumped at the chance. I still had not fully regained my confidence in that department and I thought it would help get back my self-esteem. The three-hour operation added just under two inches to the length. The plastic surgeon also made it thicker. I was lucky — everything went back to good working order. I joke it’s all ‘souped up’ now — like an ordinary car with a bigger engine. I can honestly say it’s never been better. 

Obviously, I would have preferred not to go through all that pain and suffering. But being famous for my penis has given me opportunities I could not have ever imagined.”

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